European Stage Contest YPEF 2019

The European Stage Contest is a workshop for pupils being the national winners. They are trained to cooperate and discuss the problems of nature and environment above the state borders and barriers. The first edition of the contest’s final was hosted by Poland, the second edition’s final took place in Estonia, the third edition’s final in 2013 took place in Portugal. The next finals took place in Germany, Romania, Latvia, Hungary, and Lithuania, and in 2019 a competition takes place in the Czech Republic.

The YPEF initiative establishes a new dimension in cooperation of NGO’s and forest professionals for forest and environmental education of young European generation.


 What do you need to know more about registration? 

• Students and their teacher are free of charge

• Registration fee for:

  •     IC members: 100 EUR
  •     Any other persons (observer, parent, etc.): 300 EUR


Departure from Prague to Recreation Center Olšina (venue):

Time: 14:00, 24th September 2019

Place: University of Life Sciences in Prague, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Prague 165 00, Kamýcká 129; GPS: 50°7'48.251"N, 14°22'11.869"E


More information:

Your are welcome with any questions.

Jan Kobr, Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript., mob.: +420 725 917 817;

international coordinator

Marek Šuba,, mob. +420 737 966 077

national coordinator 

This event is organized with the financial support of:

Ministry of Agriculture (MZe), State Forest Service (LČR, s.p.), Military Forests and Farms (VLS, s.p.) and South Bohemian Region (Jihočeský kraj)

Výsledek obrázku pro logo mze    Výsledek obrázku pro logo lčr   

    Výsledek obrázku pro logo  vojenské lesy         Výsledek obrázku pro jihočeský kraj logo

Informace o akci

Datum zahájení akce 24.09.2019 14:00
Datum ukončení akce 27.09.2019 9:00
Kapacita sálu Neomezeno
Počet již přihlášených 33
Uzávěrka přihlášek 13.09.2019 12:00
Místo konání
RZ Olšina
Boletice, Česká republika
RZ Olšina
Již není možné přihlásit se na tuto akci.
Sdílej tuto akci

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